Panel one: “In highschool, I watched “Princess Jellyfish,” an anime about the friendship between Tsukimi, an anxiety-filled nerd and Kuranosuke, a loud, confident crossdresser.” A younger Bela is hunched over his laptop, watching Princess Jellyfish on a virus-filled anime streaming website.
Panel two: “He’s confident in his identity no matter what he wears and crossdresses out of a love for fashion.” This panel features two versions of the character Kuranosuke, arm in arm. One version is wearing a frilly blouse with ruffles going down it. He has a bob-style wig on and a large flower in his hair. The other version is more simply dressed in a blazer and shirt.
Panel three: “He’s my favorite character for both his amazing outfits and his refusal to follow others’ expectations!” Bella stares at his laptop with wide starry eyes saying, “Wow…”
Panel four: This panel is a large illustration of the character Kuranosuke, in his iconic jellyfish-shaped dress. It features delicate drop pearls around it to resemble a jellyfish’s tentacles. He has a voluminous and long wig on with straight-cut bangs. He wears a pearl tiara on top of his head.