Panel one: A guy with short blonde hair lays on the ground wheezing. He is in the middle of a hot desert surrounded by tumbleweeds, a cactus, and lots of sand.
Panel two: We zoom in on the Dying Guy's face, he looks sweaty and beat-up as he says, "Oh my god I'm going to die..."
Panel three: Suddenly Dying Guy let's out a loud gasp and his eyes sparkle as we see a building with a giant banner that says "FOOD" and another smaller sign that says "Water!" Outside the building is a guy with dark hair and a mustache sweeping the front.
Panel four: Mustache Guy comes over to Dying Guy's side and asks, "Sir! Do you need help?" Dying Guy weakly lifts his body and says, "Yes!!!"
Panel five: Dying Guy asks, "Do you have free Wi-Fi?" Mustache Guy confusedly replies, ""
Panel six: Dying Guy falls back to the ground, looking annoyed, and lets out a loud groan. Mustache Guy stares off in confusion.